Exhibition “Deliria” Tinning Street Presents 2016 including “Glyph”

A joint exhibition with painting and installation artist Naomi Nicholls at Tinning Street Presents in Brunswick, Melbourne, Australia, 2016.

Two artists bonded by a painting background and an interest in abstraction, presented large paint-like forms that ignore the constraints of the frame, erupting colour and light over the gallery walls, floor and laneway. Projection works by Linda Loh, and painting works by Naomi Nicholls.

“Glyph” video stills.

To view a short excerpt of the video visit Glyph on Vimeo

Linda Loh Glyph video still (3)

Linda Loh Glyph video still (5)

Linda Loh Glyph video still (6)

Linda Loh Glyph video still (4)

Linda Loh Glyph video still (1)