Substation 100 Years 2016

The video work “Colour Up, Water Down” was made in 2016 for the group exhibition Substation 100 Years

100 YEARS explored the diverse history, architecture and location of THE SUBSTATION building. 30 artists from across disciplines were in residence over two weeks, taking over the entire gallery. Working with imagery, performance, documentation, sound and installation, the artists responded to and interpreted the site in celebration and recognition of the centennial.

“Colour Up, Water Down” was made from manipulated video footage from the Substation, distorting the original content. The abstract imagery shifts and changes, perhaps somewhat elusive and ephemeral. Embedded in the work are metaphoric ideas about the subjectivity of history and how it is selectively manipulated. The elusivity and intangibility refers to the slippery nature of constructed perception; how what might be considered solid and “real” dissipates when paradigms shift and levels of awareness evolve.